To the editor: The crazy caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives – the deranged MAGA cult masquerading as Republicans – is fixated on Hunter Biden.
In the last two years, Hunter Biden’s name has appeared 9,000 times on Fox News, according to Critical Media. All this hysterics trying to tie Hunter’s business dealings to his father. Even though, investigation after investigation, the crazies have not found a scintilla of evidence.
Now imagine if Hunter’s name were Hunter Smith. What would the MAGA crazies rage about? Nothing. In his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter writes about his drug and alcohol abuse, descending into darkness after the death of his brother Beau. The Hunter that those who knew and loved, know that.
His father and stepmother never gave up on him and did everything to bring him back. Hunter has stayed clean and accepted responsibility. Charges that he faces, while serious, are infinitesimal compared to charges against Trump.
Imagine again if Donald Trump’s name had been Donald Smith.
Would someone, facing over 90 felony charges be allowed to roam freely? He would have been arrested, arraigned and held for trial without bail.
All the bellowing by the MAGA crazies about a “two-tiered” system of justice. They got it right, except it benefits Trump, not Hunter. How sad.
Fariborz Fatemi, McLean