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Traffic-calming coming to Forestville Drive in Great Falls

Board of Supervisors OKs $45,000 project featuring humps and speed table

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation soon will install three traffic-calming measures along Forestville Drive in Great Falls.

The Board of Supervisors on Jan. 23 unanimously approved the installation of one speed hump and a speed table along the street between Myra Drive and Farmingdale Court/Fairpine Lane, plus another speed hump adjacent to 1216 and 1217 Forestville Drive.

The county will undertake the $45,000 project under its Residential Traffic Administration Program, which reviews traffic-calming requests submitted by Board of Supervisors members on behalf of civic and homeowners associations.

County staff then do engineering studies of the proposed sites to determine if the requested traffic-calming measures would reduce traffic speeds there. The community requesting the measures must signal its support as well and county transportation officials received confirmation Nov. 21 last year that residents in the vicinity of Forestville Drive favored the proposed speed humps and speed table.