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Letter: Rep. Wexton deserves thanks from her constituents

'Her legacy will show a fighter to protect health care and a strong supporter for victims of domestic abuse and violence and for children’s cancer research.'

To the editor: Several tumultuous weeks have passed since U.S. Rep. Jennifer Wexton announced that she would not be running for re-election.

Weeks during which the crazy conference (affectionately known) masquerading as the Republican majority in the House of Representatives first tried to shut down the government. Failing that, they shut down their conference by getting rid of their speaker.

Rep. Wexton’s announcement was devastating and disappointing for her constituents, regardless of party. In a few short years, representing the 10th District, Wexton by all accounts was making a positive difference in people’s lives, establishing herself as a bright, shining light, a representative’s representative to be emulated by all who aspire to run for office.

She has been fighting a rare disease that has affected her speech and movement, but as a fighter all her life, she was determined to overcome. As time passed, with no cure and treatment not working, she decided not to stand for re-election.

Wexton deserves heartfelt thanks from her constituents for all she has done, putting them first. This includes serving on the Appropriations Committee, bringing manufacturing and infrastructure to her district to create jobs, and improving transportation and housing, to name a few.  Her legacy will show a fighter to protect health care and a strong supporter for victims of domestic abuse and violence and for children’s cancer research.

Juxtapose Wexton’s public service with the chaos and mayhem consuming the majority in the House of Representatives.

Fariborz Fatemi, McLean