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Letter: Do your part to aid postal carriers in wintertime

'Keeping a clear path to and around mailboxes will help mail carriers continue consistent delivery, as well as keep them safe.'

To the editor: It takes more than a few flakes to deter letter carriers from making their appointed rounds throughout Virginia, but if they cannot reach your mailbox, they cannot deliver your mail.

Customers can help ensure their mail carrier can make safe deliveries by clearing snow and ice from sidewalks, stairs, porches and any approach to mailboxes, whether on a house or at the curb.

Any amount of snow can cause a dangerous situation for mail carriers and others. Keeping a clear path to and around mailboxes will help mail carriers continue consistent delivery, as well as keep them safe from potential slipping and/or injuries.

On behalf of the more than 630,000 postal team members, a big “thank you”!

Mark Wahl, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, D.C.