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Letter: Base editorials on reality, not political partisanship

'To indicate “enormous funds” are available only to one political party and not the other is, as you must know, ridiculous.'

To the editor: As a longtime reader, I was dismayed at the recent editorial on the just re-elected Fairfax Commonwealth’s Attorney Steve Descano.

It seems that your editorial staff is intent on casting these positions only in relation to their political affiliation: listing area attorneys as “(D-Soros)” is misleading and unnecessary.

You state that Descano’s 2019 election was “fueled by enormous amounts of outside dollars that came from groups like the kind associated with activist George Soros.”

“LIKE the kind”? That sounds far more accusatory than factual. Why not then list the Republicans as “(R-Koch)”?

To indicate “enormous funds” are available only to one political party and not the other is, as you must know, ridiculous.

This type of editorial is not helpful for readers. However, the News of Crime & Punishment section write-up on the same incident was done with far more clarity.

I recommend your editorials be more based in reality than speculation.

Bonnie Steuart , Vienna