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'Walk on the Hill' gives view of local gardens later in month

Vienna's Windover Heights community is setting for annual event

Residents of Vienna’s Windover Heights neighborhood will be rolling out the red carpet for the community and marking the 50th anniversary of the first “Walk on the Hill” event on Sunday, April 28 from 2 to 5 p.m.

Participants will enjoy self-guided tours through dozens of participating yards and gardens, while also enjoying entertainment, exhibits and refreshments, town officials said.

For information, see the Website at

As part of the event, District III of the National Capital Area Garden Clubs will present “Wildlife in Windover Heights” from 1 to 6 p.m. at Green Hedges School.

The show is free and open to the public; for information, call Kate Abrahams at (703) 304-1709.