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Vienna/Oakton Notes, 5/1/24 roundup

News of community interest from around Vienna and Oakton

SURVEY: VIENNA A HAVEN OF PICKLEBALL FANS: Vienna punches above its weight class in residents’ enthusiasm for pickleball, according to a new report.

It is based on the work of the 600 coaches at, who last year delivered tens of thousands of pickleball lessons nationwide.

“The team compiled data from every pickleball lesson in Virginia to identify not just where pickleball is played, but where it’s flourishing,” the organization noted in releasing its new report (available at

Despite its relatively small size, Vienna ranks sixth statewide on the survey, outperforming much larger jurisdictions such as Henrico County and Virginia Beach.

Alexandria stood atop the list, followed by Falls Church, Arlington, Richmond and Fairfax County.

The local area has “a robust and loyal pickleball community, where the sport brings active Virginians together,” said Nick O’Brien, founder and CEO of

Bookings for lessons are on the rise in the local area, he added.

“A combination of access to courts and facilities, an eagerness to exercise and compete” is coupled with “an appetite to get better, as well,” O’Brien said.

Ranked No. 10 in the nation for pickleball courts (as determined by the Pickleheads Website), Virginia boasts 428 courts across its counties, cities and towns, creating a welcoming environment for lessons, casual play, and competitive matches alike.

NEVCA MEMBERSHIP MEETING TO FEATURE PARKS PRESENTATION: The North East Vienna Citizens Association (NEVCA) will hold its annual membership meeting May 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center, 120 Cherry St., S.E.

Vienna Department of Parks and Recreation director Leslie Herman and deputy director Nicole Falceto will give an overview of the upcoming Parks Master Plan project.

Their presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session, after which the Vienna officials will solicit ideas from NEVCA members and guests to rate their level of support for potential actions the Parks and Recreation Department could take to develop new parks and programs, and/or improve existing facilities, amenities and programs.

The meeting is open to the public and door prizes will be awarded.

MAYOR FEATURED AT ‘NARFE’ GATHERING: The Vienna chapter of NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees) will meet on Tuesday, May 14 at 1 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center.

Vienna Mayor Linda Colbert will be the featured speaker.

The community is invited. For information, call (703) 205-9041.