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Vienna ends up #2 in health competition among localities

City of Fairfax wins for first time; city of Falls Church finishes third
The trophy presented to the winning community in the Mayors' Fitness Challenge, a friendly, health-related competition between the town and the cities of Falls Church and Fairfax.

For the first time in the event’s history, the city of Fairfax topped Vienna and Falls Church in the 2024 Mayors’ Fitness Challenge, envisioned as a friendly fitness competition between the three localities.

Fairfax won with an average of 3,960.69 exercise minutes per participant. Vienna came in second with an average-minute total of 2,243.27 and Falls Church took third place with 1,863.83.

Despite coming in second, Vienna still had record participation, expanding upon last year’s numbers with 254 participants totaling a collective 569,790 exercise minutes (9,496.5 hours) between March 16 and May 11.

The Mayors’ Fitness Challenge started in 2021 with a collaboration between the three localities to encourage people to get outside after being cooped up at home for more than a year for pandemic-related reasons.

The localities’ mayors rallied residents to choose activities they enjoy and get moving in the name of community spirit and hometown pride. Fairfax now owns the title of “Most Fit Community” and will have possession of the competition’s trophy for the next year.