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Vienna drug-takeback effort nets more than 300 pounds

Statewide, more than 17,000 pounds of medication turned in by public
Detective Gregory Hylinski poses with the 304 pounds of expired or unwanted medications collected by the Vienna Police Department on April 27,

The Vienna Police Department on April 27 teamed up with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for the 26th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative.

Vienna police that day gathered and disposed of 304 pounds of expired or unneeded medications that residents voluntarily turned in.

The statewide initiative collected about 17,424 pounds of medication, roughly 970 pounds more than during last October’s program.

The Vienna Police Department is committed to remaining an active partner with the DEA in future Drug Take-Back events, continuing its efforts to promote safe and responsible medication disposal, department officials said.