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Snowman's at the beach as N.Va.'s winter has taken a hiatus

Not enough cold air in the upcoming forecast for snow to materialize, but don't rule out March

Our three-month-long meteorological winter ends next Thursday without much chance of additional snow in Northern Virginia's forecast.

Tonight [Feb. 24] would be cold enough for the white stuff, were there any precipitation in the atmosphere. But it's looking unlikely.

And according to the GazetteLeader's official weather partner, AccuWeather, a warming trend over the coming week will close the door to snow until the start of March.

But snow-lovers should not give up hope. According to National Weather Service data combed through by the GazetteLeader, snow may be infrequent in March but it isn't unknown. In fact, that month gave the local area 13 inches of the white stuff in 2014, 17 inches in 1960 and a whopping 19 inches in 1914.

April is a longer shot, with no snow or just a trace most years. But 2024 marks the centennial of that wacky spring of 1924, when 5.5 inches blanketed the region in April – the highest cumulative April total since record-keeping began in 1888.