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McLean Project for Arts programming tied to current exhibition

"(Not) Strictly Painting 14" features artists from across Mid-Alantic region

McLean Project for the Arts (MPA) will host two upcoming events in connection with its “(Not) Strictly Painting 14” exhibition.

On Thursday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m., MPA curator and artistic director Nancy Sausser will host an in-person artist talk featuring some of the artists in the exhibition, which focuses on the depth and breadth of paintings – or works related in some way to painting – from artists throughout the Mid-Atlantic area.

On Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 11a.m., Sausser will host Tea & Talk, presented by the Rotary Club of McLean. Guests are invited to enjoy a cup of tea and discuss the exhibition.

Both events will be held at the MPA galleries, located at the McLean Community Center. To register for the Oct. 12 event, go to; to register for the Oct. 19 event, go to