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Vienna/Oakton Notes, 9/4/24 roundup

News of community interest from around Vienna and Oakton

PLANNING UNDERWAY FOR ‘CHRISTMAS STORE’: The Committee for Helping Others (CHO) in Vienna is gearing up for its 2024 Christmas Store, to be held Dec. 6-7.

“The winter holidays will be here before you know it – CHO is already hard at work planning its drives to help families in need,” the organization said.

Donations of new toys and gift cards are being solicited, as are volunteers to help with the effort. For information, call (703) 281-7614, box 1, or see the Website at

DEADLINE NEARS FOR PARTICIPATION IN HALLOWEEN PARADE: Time is ticking for applications from groups wishing to participate in the Vienna town government’s upcoming Halloween Parade, to be held in October.

The 2024 event commemorates the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Club Phoenix Teen Center and will have as its theme “Party Like It’s 1999.”

The application deadline is Sept. 20. For information and an application form, see the Website at

TOWN-CLEANUP DAY APPROACHES: Vienna officials will host a town-cleanup day on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon.

After meeting at the Vienna Town Green at 144 Maple Ave., E., volunteers will be assigned a location in town that needs some attention. Supplies and assistance are provided.

Registration is requested but not required. For information and to register, call Brian Harrington at (703) 255-5755 or e-mail

DETAILS SET FOR VIENNA OKTOBERFEST CELEBRATION: The Vienna Oktoberfest will celebrate its 15th anniversary Oct. 5 with its biggest festival yet, featuring more vendors, more food, music and entertainment, plenty of free kids’ activities, and locally-sourced beer and wine selections.

The festival, which historically has drawn between 20,000 and 30,000 attendees, will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on historic Church Street. All ages are welcome, and admission is free.

Proceeds from Oktoberfest benefit the VBA Foundation, which supports charitable organizations in the Vienna area. 

For more information, visit the Vienna Oktoberfest Website at To volunteer at the festival, sign up at

‘MEMORY CAFE’ RETURNS TO VIENNA CHURCH: “Memory Café 4u” will start its fall session on Thursday, Sept. 5 at 1:30 p.m. at Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church, 1301 Trap Road in Vienna.

A Memory Café is a place where a person with dementia and care partner can meet with others and find support, resources, and companionship.

“Caregivers need the fellowship and support of others who are facing similar issues, and those with the diagnosis need friendship and the opportunity to talk with those in the same situation,” organizers said.

Memory Café will meet the first and third Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For information, e-mail Carol Blackwell at

PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER TO SPEAK AT ‘NARFE’ MEETING: Jennifer Gittins-Harfst, a certified professional organizer, will discuss “Organizing for Seniors” at the Tuesday, Sept. 10 meeting of the Vienna chapter of National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE).

The event will be held at 1 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center.“

Attendees will learn how to realistically bring order to their home, receive tips for getting organized and for maintaining progress, and learn about specialized resources for disposing of items,” organizers said. “Afterward, attendees will be motivated – and better positioned – to organize, simplify and enhance their lives.”

The event is free; guests are welcome.

COMMUNITY FORUM TO FOCUS ON YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH: The Vienna town government will host a forum on mental health and suicide prevention focused on youth on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Vienna Police Department’s community room, 215 Center St., S.

Mayor Linda Colbert and Police Chief Jim Morris will discuss mental-health concerns in conjunction with other local leaders on the subject.

In addition, the police department’s new therapy dog, Marlin, will be on hand.

The community is invited.

FUND-RAISER TO BENEFIT LIONS CLUB:  The Vienna (Host) Lions Club will be the beneficiary of a fund-raiser to be held Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Foster’s Grille in Vienna.

Patrons should ask the cashier to put their receipt in the Lions’ box at checkout. Twenty percent of the check will be donated to support youth, sight, hearing and community programs.

Participants also can bring used eyeglasses and hearing aids for donation.

For information, e-mail

SHERIFF’S SKETCH ARTIST TO DEMONSTRATE HER WORK: The Vienna Arts Society will feature investigator and certified sketch artist Kathy Franck of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office discussing and demonstrating her technique on Thursday, Sept. 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Vienna Art Center, 243 Church St., N.E., Suite 100LL.

Franck will discuss how she became a composite-sketch artist and how sketches help to solve crimes in the local region.

The community is invited.

NATIVE-PLANT SALE IN THE WORKS: The Vienna town government’s Conservation and Sustainability Commission is hosting a fall native-plant sale on Saturday, Sept. 14 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Vienna Community Center.

The event’s date has been moved up a week from what previously was scheduled.

Town officials also have announced that the Conservation and Sustainability Commission’s fall native-tree giveaway will be held on Oct. 18 from 8 a.m. until the final tree is given away.