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Letter: Roy brings unique knowledge, experience to campaign

From involvement in schools to career as Realtor, she has the talents needed

To the editor: Natalie Roy is a force in our community, which is why we are supporting her for the County Board.

Roy has lived in Arlington for 32 years and in that time, she has repeatedly demonstrated her commitment to ALL things Arlington. She is a community activist and has held leadership positions on her neighborhood civic association and county committees.

Roy also has been actively involved with Arlington Public Schools, having had children who attended Arlington schools. She has served on APS committees and as PTA president, and she coached the Yorktown tennis team for 17 years.

Roy brings a wealth of unique knowledge and experience to the table, most recently as an Arlington real-estate professional and in her previous career as an environmental advocate. She has been a vocal opponent of the Missing Middle plan passed by the County Board. She opposes the plan, despite the potential cost to her realty business, because it fails to expand affordable housing or promote diversity in the county.

Nor has Roy shied away from addressing the current challenge of high vacancy rates in commercial buildings. In fact, she has put forth ideas to fill commercial space with residential housing and local businesses.

Roy is rooted in our community and grounded by her common sense. She is well-qualified to serve on the County Board, with experience unmatched by other candidates.

A vote for Natalie is a vote for forward-thinking leadership, which is essential to the success of Arlington.

Jill Flack and Gregg Siegal, Arlington