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Letter: Hold Arlington leaders accountable on housing decisions

'Elections have consequences . . . It is time for a change.'

To the editor: With Missing Middle Housing remaining in the news across Arlington, I proudly support the Neighbors for Neighborhoods (NfN) efforts to hold the county government accountable in following processes they ignored during their rush to implement housing and zoning changes over resident objections and suggestions.

I believe the county government wants more tax revenue (recently confirmed by the increased taxes) and they get this by making every square foot of land more valuable by multiplying the housing on single-family lots.

Neighbors for Neighborhoods and some county residents opposed to this policy are being targeted by the county government’s “hired guns” (lawyers from Roanoke). The intimidation and expensive legal process is the penalty for opposing bad government.

I am reminded of a movie where the good lawmen went after the gangsters that were hired from Chicago to intimidate and “shake down” the local residents. Today it is the Arlington County government doing the hiring, except now those brought in come from Roanoke, not Chicago, and carry law degrees.

Elections have consequences. Support Neighbors for Neighborhoods and County Board candidate Natalie Roy. It is time for a change.

Richard McNamara, Arlington