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'Patient-centric' phone system debuts at Arlington Free Clinic

Clients had expressed concern about more accessibility

The Arlington Free Clinic (AFC) has launched a new,  patient-centered phone system designed to improve communication and streamline access to care.

“This phone-system upgrade is a crucial step in providing accessible, patient-centered care to our community,” said Lesley Daigle, CEO of Arlington Free Clinic. “We are committed to removing barriers, and the new system will ensure that our patients have the tools they need to manage their health, without the added stress of communication challenges.”

The upgrade came in response to feedback from patients, who have “expressed the need for more accessible phone communication,” officials with the social-safety-net organization said.

“This new system allows patients to reach staff members directly, reducing wait times and ensuring more immediate responses to their inquiries,” officials said. “The upgrade includes the hiring of a new reception staff member who will serve as the hub for directing incoming calls, further improving efficiencies.”

One of the most significant advancements with this new system is the opportunity to adopt a nurse-triage-line model. Having the ability to provide support and guidance to callers in real time is expected to reduce the need for patients to visit the clinic.

For more information, call (703) 979-1425 or see the Website at