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Contract approval will permit relocation of artist studios

Arlington County Board OK's $1.7 million for facilities on South Four Mile Run Drive

Arlington County Board members on May 18 approved a contract worth about $1.73 million to renovate a portion of a building on South Four Mile Run Drive to accommodate the relocation of print-making, ceramics and textile studios from other venues across the county.

The new facility, to be located in a building housing other Arlington government cultural-affairs programs and offices, will provide for the relocation of existing programs at Lee Community Center and Gunston Middle School.

The new spaces “will bring together a community of working artists in one facility to increase opportunities for collaboration,” county staff said. “There will also be a display area and gallery for the community to enjoy and purchase works from the local artists.”

Step 1 Enterprises LLC was awarded the contract from among seven firms that bid. County officials say they do not anticipate parking issues in the surrounding neighborhood owing to construction work or the facilities’ relocation.

The project is part of a larger renovation project of the building, located at 3700 South Four Mile Drive in the area between the Green Valley and Shirlington neighborhoods.